Filter block page should be less obvious
I'd actually like the option to redirect or display some custom message. I'd probably have it display some dot points for myself on why i'm trying to avoid the site thats been blocked - as a reminder and a motivational thing. Cold Turkey blocker implements something similar to this.
Maybe have it configurable? "discrete block" "custom text" etc?
Mohammad Mustafa
I agree with Mathew and Kevin
Kevin Lawson
I agree with Matthew's comment, but in the attempt to remain discreet, perhaps it could have an additional note on there that TechLockDown is the one providing the message. That way users would not need to worry about it being a connectivity issue. Perhaps use the TechLockDown logo instead of the usual "sad paper face" icon?
I prefer an obvious block page for several reasons, one of which being it tells me that the filter is working. With a "site cannot be reached" message, I would imagine myself wondering at times if there was some sort of other non-filter issue that I'd need to address.