Block or allow website access at sub-directory level
Sergei Wallace
Some general websites such as Reddit or Youtube can be used both productively and as a distraction, especially when Reddit posts appear in search engine results as an answer to some problem or question.
Having the ability to block or allow website access at the sub-directory level or perhaps based on the site you're navigating from (previous URL filter to allow google search -> Reddit but not Reddit home -> subreddit) would provide more flexibility to be able to access those sites in a non-distraction context.
I would just like to add, if this feature gets added, I will subscribe to Tech Lockdown. It's the one big thing I'm missing with my current solution using NextDNS.
Merged in a post:
Allow for Regex for Domain-blocking
Kevin Von James
This is already a feature in cloudflare zero trust so should be easy.
my usecase would be for things like:
- this allows for still finding reddit posts via google search, yet the main feed and other feeds are blocked
Merged in a post:
Ability to set HTTP rules for URL filtering
User should be able to define HTTP rules to filter URLs, enabling blocking parts of an app etc.
Agreed, this kind of request have been submitted with different title/naming accrossthe feedback-page here. That would allow NOT to have to use ColdTurkey, which, while great, is a PCU and memory hog once we add more than a few hundred web addresses or rules
That would be great. Same with youtube foe example = being allow to watch embedded videos from other professional websites while still being prevented to connect to or
This is technically possible with URL filtering with wildcard rules using HTTP policies. Currently, we only allow the creation of DNS policies, but are planning to support the HTTP policies. thank you for the suggestion